Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Life Through Many Conversations

Business school gatherings involve a lot of small talk with large numbers of people -- building networks through building acquaintances. I was thinking last night that I could probably summarize the various stages of business school through the most common conversations heard at parties during those stages.

Beginning of 1st Year: What section are you in? Where are you living? What did you do before school? Where are you from? What do you want to do after school?

Pre-Christmas Break: Have you done a lot of cases (referring to consulting case interview prep)?

Post-Christmas Break: Who are you interviewing with? How are the interviews going? (and, after the offer...) Where are you going for the summer? Are you excited? Where is it located? Who else is going?

Pre-MAP: What MAP did you get? Where will you be? How long are you going for? Who is on your team?

End of 1st Year: So where are you going again? And where is that? When are you leaving?
Beginning of 2nd Year: How was your summer? Where were you working? Do you think you'll go back there? Why not (if applicable)?

Pre-Christmas Break: Where are you interviewing? How are they going? Got any offers yet?

Post-Christmas Break: So where are you going next year? Are you excited? When do you start? Can you believe this is our last term?

Pre-Spring Break: Going anywhere fun over break? Who are you going with?

Post-Spring Break: Where did you go over break? Traveling anywhere this summer? Can you believe we only have 5 weeks of classes left?

End of 2nd Year: Yet to be determined! So far, the conversations are like this: I am so unmotivated! I don't want to do any work!

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