Thursday, March 20, 2008


Sorry if anyone has been having trouble posting comments to my blog. I had received a couple of spam comments, so I changed some settings not knowing that it was restricting you valid people from posting. Anyway, hopefully it is fixed now. Let me know if you have any trouble with it.


Steve said...

I read recently that some spammers figured out how to get a computer to read these word-verification challenges (CAPTCHA) and had started setting up spam Google accounts for the first time. I wonder if that's how you started getting spam. If that's the case, I wonder if another word verification will prevent it. Maybe they improved their system enough to thwart the spammers (I hope!). I'm happy to put up with it if it keeps spammers out :)

Steve said...

Another thing you can do is, in Settings, make it so that only registered users can post comments. Now that Google recognizes OpenID, this shouldn't prevent many legitimate people form posting. Google should let us (blog authors) designate certain people as "legit" and let them post comments without the challenge - only challenge unknown people.

Steve said...

By the way, I love your new slideshow feature :)

Michelle said...

Okay, I didn't know what that option meant and didn't want to prevent any legit people from posting. But maybe I will try it.

And thanks for the slideshow tip! I like it too!