Thursday, March 20, 2008

Follies: Because It's Business School

The title of this post is the name of the show I was in before spring break, and the reason they named it "Because It's Business School" is because that is the answer to most questions about our daily lives, including the question, "Why would I choose to get on a stage and sing and dance in funny clothes in front of all my classmates and professors"? Because it's business school!

Follies is the annual parody show the business school puts on that makes fun of life at Ross. It is always hilarious, and I decided to join the cast this year after seeing the show last year. Since I auditioned with a song as well as a "dramatic" reading (two scenes--one from "Mean Girls" and one from "Airplane!" where I had to try to speak jive), they assigned me a singing part in the live show (the show is a mix of live acts and pre-recorded videos). It was SO much fun and I got to meet a lot of cool people that I didn't know before as well as hang out with old friends.

I was cast into a medley, which was the largest skit in the show with 16 people. I sang a parody of the Michael Jackson song "Rock With You" with a first-year student named Paul (we sang it as "Mock With You" in reference to the mock interviews and case studies students do in preparation for interviews and classes). Our skit directors made glorious glittered suits out of suits we bought at the Salvation Army. Our medley was the talk of the night, and I especially got tons of comments on our outfits. It was definitely a hit! I am so glad I decided to join the cast this year and got the chance to perform in a live show again. It definitely reminded me of the shows I did in high school.

Here are some photos. I actually wrote this a long time ago, but I just got photos from the people who actually had their cameras at the show (I forgot to bring mine!). In addition, they make a DVD of the whole show, so I will have that to show people too eventually. :-)

Be prepared!

I don't know why I look so serious in this picture. I definitely felt clownish in the bright red lipstick. It was funny when I made the supply run to CVS to get liquid eyeliner, bright red lipstick, and fishnet stockings. :-)

At the beginning of the skit, I walked across the stage to where Paul was sitting to sing to him and try to get him to stop studying so hard.

Then we began to sing and dance together. He definitely loved those Michael Jackson kicks!

Backstage photos...

The entire medley cast...

Backstage waiting for the show to begin. We had an opening and closing number that the cast participated in.

The medley cast again in our dressing room...


Ulie said...

BWAAAHAAHAAHAHAHAHA!!! I'm unbelievable jealous of the audience that saw you perform. I SO wish I could have been there- it looks like it was so much fun! And even in fishnets, you *still* have fantastic legs. No fair! ;)
I didn't recognize you in the first shot, but the second-to-last one where you're sitting in the dressing room is so cute! :)

erin said...

julia, i thought the same thing about the dressing room shot! so there you go michelle - proof you should frame it or something. way to go on getting back in to performing! i bet you were fabulous. :D