Friday, March 14, 2008

Liam Orion

I became an aunt today! And more importantly, my brother and sister-in-law became parents for the first time! I can't quite believe it yet. I think once I see a picture or see the tiny tyke in person, it will become more real to me. I think that one thing that makes it seem not as real is when I think of birth stories and stuff, it is in reference to my parents going through that with me or my brother. And thinking that my brother and I are at that same stage (he and Annika are now like my parents) is weird to think about.

Anyway, yesterday was the first really nice day here in Ann Arbor since winter started. The snow almost all melted, people were out playing Frisbee and beer pong, and it was nice enough to walk around with a light jacket (at least, until the sun went down). So Liam was born on a beautiful day (at least where I am)! Annika had a c-section since Liam was in the breech position, and everything went really well. He was born at 12:34 (cool time!), has deep blue eyes (at least, for now) and light brown hair. I was on the phone with my parents several times to check in and see what was going on since I couldn't be there myself and I got to talk to my brother briefly around 2:00.

I finally got a picture of Liam last night. I am anxiously awaiting more! My caption for this is, "Whatchu talkin' about Willis?" :-D

Thus begins a long and hopefully wonderful journey for Liam Orion Luke. Welcome to the world, baby!

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