Friday, April 25, 2008


I am officially an MBA! WOO HOO! I graduated today. Walked across the stage, flipped my tassle to the other side, shook the dean's hand, threw my hat into the air (kind of), and took a bunch of pictures. :-) I am too exhausted to write more right now, but here is the only photo I currently have from today on my computer, thanks to a friend of mine who emailed it to me.

More to come...!


Steve said...

Congratulations! Its great that you took the initiative to go get this MBA and I know it will open up lots of new opportunities for you to do really fun and exciting work. Well done!

Ulie said...

Congratulations!! :) And what a great picture of you!! I can't wait to see you and congratulate you in person!

erin said...

Whoo hoo! You did it!!