Thursday, September 27, 2007

Delusions of Grandeur?

Okay, so this title refers to a couple of things. First of all, thanks for all the positive feedback on my blog! I'm glad you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. It's nice to be able to share my life with you all from so far away. :-)

Second of all, I had an informational meeting today for becoming an Admissions Student Counselor (ASC), which is something I have been looking forward to doing since last year. Basically, as an ASC, you get to read applications and do interviews now and as an alumna to help determine who gets into Ross. Although it's funny to imagine me "mwa ha ha"-ing (evil laugh) while determining the fate of some poor applicant, I actually want to do it to make sure we get some more Anthro, Psych, and English majors in here (mwa ha ha!) and to help spread the word as to how awesome Ross is! It will take a lot of my time from November-February or so, but I think it will be a lot of fun.

I have spent most of today catching up on homework (plus a power nap and watched the Heroes premiere!) but I did finally get a stand to raise up my television so I can watch TV in bed without a) seeing only the top half of the image or b) sitting bolt upright or on the edge of the bed. It even swivels! I am very excited about that (thanks, Mom to finding the perfect stand for me)!

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