Yet another DiSorieNtatIon week activity: Gladiator Joust! This one was organized by my roommate Mike and took place on the lawn of the Hill House. The Hill House is basically the business school frat house, although both women and men live there. It's always occupied by business school students and is the site of at least a few big parties every year.
So I don't know if you have ever watched the show, American Gladiators (if not, you should tune in this Monday because it is very funny to watch), but this is an event they do on that show.
This is Mike and another MBA2 who I don't know jousting. Mike was definitely the champion except when he went up against my friend Chris Wilson, and then it was a pretty even tie.

Here I am getting dominated. I think I was afraid to hit too hard.

And me getting dominated again. :-)

Me having fun bouncing on the bouncy floor. You can't quite tell by this photo, but I am actually in the air.

Now was my time to shine! I went up against Shannon, who was more afraid to use force than I was and who was a much more even match.

I thought this was hilarious: this guy Dan was just laying out on the edge of the bouncy pen while all this jousting action was going on around him. He almost got knocked off a couple times.

Another view. Mike and Kevin were jousting off of the podiums while Dan was peacefully laying there.

Now Evan came and he was the first one to use the head gear. I thought it looked really funny.

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