Sunday, March 30, 2008

Happy Belated Easter!

Happy belated Easter everyone! I took these photos with John's camera on Easter, but just got them downloaded onto my computer. John and my friend Suzanne and I went to mass and then Suzanne and I met up with her boyfriend for a nice brunch at one of my favorite places, the Broken Egg.

This is the church I attend, called St. Mary's in Ann Arbor. I love the old style architecture. We were so surprised at how empty it was up until literally 5 minutes before mass. We arrived a half hour early thinking that parking and finding a seat would be nearly impossible given that it was noon mass on Easter. But I guess being a college town and having approximately 10 million mass times that day, I guess there weren't many people at each service. But like I said, 5 minutes before mass the place filled up to standing room only!

We always sit in the choir loft, with the organ.

I got this hat for Christmas and have been waiting for a chance to wear it. I figured since Easter is about wearing fun Spring-like hats and bright colors, this would be a good time.

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