Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Couldn't think of a creative title for today's post. :-) I basically wanted to briefly jot down some things that happened today. I bought my graduation cap, gown, and tassel! I can't believe I will be graduating already. It seems too soon to be donning that black polyester again and receiving a diploma. Now I will be in that relatively small group of graduate students sitting up front at the graduation ceremony that I thought were so much older back at undergrad graduation in 2001. They had a pretty cool diploma frame that I want to get as well although it won't be as special to me as my William and Mary diploma frame with the image of the Wren building on it.

Speaking of my alma mater...for those of my classmates who read this blog, I had mixed feelings about the emails today from our (now) former President Gene Nichol and then by the Rector. On the one hand, I thought it was inappropriate to use the email waves to conduct somewhat of a campaign/explanation of what happened. On the other hand, I applauded what Gene Nichol had to say about religious freedom, free speech, and diversity at the College. I haven't really been following the events over the past few years, but do remember the uproar about the Wren cross. Not knowing the details, I can't say who was right or who is lying, but I just hope the College will get back on track to maintaining its high and beloved status. I'm curious to know what the rest of you alumni thought.

I went to see this guy speak tonight that has a fascinating story. His name is Patrick Kuhse. I didn't know anything about him before the speech, but now I will look him up. He's got kind of a "Catch Me if You Can" story, and even runs the same public speaking circuit as the guy from that movie. Mr. Kuhse basically made some bad decisions and ended up in an illegal kickback operation stealing money from the Oklahoma State government in the 90's. He fled the country and lived for 4 years in Costa Rica, hiding out and avoiding Interpol. He finally turned himself in, served his time in prison, and now gives talks to people like me about ethics and how to avoid the pitfalls and ways of thinking that would get you into an unethical situation. It was very interesting.

And finally, in case you are wondering...it is still freezing cold and snowing! We got about 4-5 inches of snow today on an already snow- and ice-covered ground. The really odd thing to me is that they don't seem to plow the roads here. But people just drive on them anyway. I mean, what else are you going to do? But back home, it would definitely be a "stop everything, no one should go anywhere" type of situation where they showcase for hours on the news exactly how many tons of salt are waiting in the storage houses and how many trucks they have on hand to make sure the roads don't get too dangerous. I am just very surprised at the lack of plowing and salting here in a state where you'd think they'd have that down pat! Maybe it's just Ann Arbor...

I think that's it for now. It's past my bedtime!


Ulie said...

Whoa! I feel like I could have written exactly what you did about W&M. I think it's a terrible situation, I think politics and semantics have played too big a role in things, and I miss Sullivan. But then again, who doesn't miss Sullivan?
Speaking of Timmy J., I found that pic of you and me on either arm of his at the King and Queen's ball one year! I'll have to find someone w/a scanner so I can send it to you! :)

Michelle said...

Yeah, I wish I knew more of the specifics, but I just feel bad for the current students.

Awesome! Definitely send it if you get the chance. I still want to send you that photo of us I found over the summer that is so hilarious. Maybe over spring break...

erin said...

yeah, i'm not sure what to think about the whole mess at W&M. i'm with you - it's hard to make any kind of judgment call on the whole thing not having been there for everything leading up to the recent decisions. (although the monetary offer to keep gene nichols quiet seems undeniably sketch. blah!) bring back timmy and the grinch readings at the yule log ceremony!! i feel bad for the kids there too. can't wait til you're back on the east coast for a visit!!!

Ulie said...

Back on the east coast? Aren't you on the east coast now? ...checking map... oh that's MAINE... :p We should really travel somewhere for our girls' weekend, since apparently I need to get out more.